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The Free and Open Source Software Fund (FOSS Fund) is a way for our employees to collectively select open source projects to receive $10,000 sponsorship awards throughout the year.

Microsoft's engineers select projects they are super passionate about. Only employees who contribute to open source projects can participate in the selection process.

Learn about the Microsoft FOSS Fund process

ESLint logo


Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.

Engineers across Microsoft love ESLint and use it as an important part of their inner dev loop. ESLint makes the JavaScript and TypeScript world more consistent and helps everyone be more efficient in delivering value.
rust-analyzer logo


rust-analyzer is an implementation of Language Server Protocol for the Rust programming language. It provides features like completion and goto definition for many code editors, including VS Code, Emacs and Vim.

This sponsorship is currently being processed. The selection process completed in July 2020.

There is a large Rust fanbase at Microsoft, and engineers using Rust find themselves using rust-analyzer every day. It's often paired with Visual Studio Code by productive Rust engineers.
ImageSharp logo


A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET.

This sponsorship is currently being processed. The selection process completed in August 2020.

Network Time Protocol logo

Network Time Protocol

(NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.

This sponsorship is currently being processed. The selection process completed in August 2020.

Recent Contributions

Whether an official contribution as part of a team's business goals, an after-hours project in robotics and hackathons, or contributions to non-profits and communities, our employees are always involved.

    NOTE: This data represents contributions on GitHub that some of our employees have opted in to sharing. Microsoft does not endorse any particular contribution here, as this list will include everything from hobbyist work through official upstream contributions.

    Foundations & Initiatives

    Microsoft is proud to participate, partner, and sponsor many amazing initiatives to better the open source ecosystem.

    3MF Consortium logo

    Advancing the print industry with a universal specification for 3D printing

    3MF Consortium

    Alliance for Open Media

    Next Generation, Open-Source Digital Media Technology for Everyone

    Alliance for Open Media
    Confidential Computing Consortium logo

    The Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC) brings together hardware vendors, cloud providers, and software developers to accelerate the adoption of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technologies and standards.

    About CCC
    ClearlyDefined logo

    ClearlyDefined is on a mission to help FOSS projects thrive by being, well, clearly defined. Lack of clarity around licenses and security vulnerabilities reduces engagement — that means fewer users, fewer contributors and a smaller community.

    About ClearlyDefined
    Cloud Native Computing Foundation logo

    The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure. CNCF brings together the world’s top developers, end users, and vendors and runs the largest open source developer conferences.

    Visit CNCF
    DIF: Decentralized Identity Foundation logo

    DIF is an engineering-driven organization focused on developing the foundational elements necessary to establish an open ecosystem for decentralized identity and ensure interop between all participants.

    About DIF
    .NET Foundation logo

    The .NET Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization established to support an innovative, commercially friendly, open-source ecosystem around the .NET platform.

    Visit the .NET Foundation
    Dronecode Project logo

    Building a sustainable open source ecosystem for critical Drone components.

    About Dronecode
    Eclipse Foundation logo

    The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.

    Visit the Eclipse Foundation
    Hyperledger logo

    Advancing business blockchain adoption through global open source collaboration

    About Hyperledger
    KernelCI logo

    Ensuring the quality, stability and long-term maintenance of the Linux kernel.

    About KernelCI
    LF Networking logo

    LF Networking supports the largest set of networking projects with the broadest community in the industry that collaborate on this opportunity.

    About LF Networking
    The Linux Foundation logo

    The Linux Foundation supports the creation of sustainable open source ecosystems by providing financial and intellectual resources, infrastructure, services, events, and training.

    Visit The Linux Foundation
    Open Container Initiative logo

    The Open Container Initiative is an open governance structure for the express purpose of creating open industry standards around container formats and runtimes.

    Visit the Open Container Initiative
    Open Compute Project (OCP) logo

    The Open Compute Project (OCP) is reimagining hardware, making it more efficient, flexible, and scalable. Join our global community of technology leaders working together to break open the black box of proprietary IT infrastructure to achieve greater choice, customization, and cost savings.

    OpenAPI Initiative logo

    The OpenAPI Specification: a broadly adopted industry standard for describing modern APIs.

    OpenAPI Site
    OpenChain logo

    The OpenChain Project defines the key requirements of a quality open source compliance program.

    Learn about OpenChain Certification...
    OpenJS Foundation logo

    The OpenJS Foundation is made up of 32 open source JavaScript projects including Appium, Dojo, Electron, jQuery, Node.js, and webpack. Our mission is to support the healthy growth of JavaScript and web technologies by providing a neutral organization to host and sustain projects, as well as collaboratively fund activities that benefit the ecosystem as a whole.

    The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) logo

    The OpenSSF brings together work from the Linux Foundation-initiated Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII), the GitHub-initiated Open Source Security Coalition (OSSC), and other open-source security efforts to improve the security of open-source software by building a broader community, targeted initiatives, and best practices.

    Visit OpenSSF
    Open Source Initiative logo

    For over 20 years the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has worked to raise awareness and adoption of open source software, and build bridges between open source communities of practice. As a global non-profit, the OSI champions software freedom in society through education, collaboration, and infrastructure, stewarding the Open Source Definition (OSD), and preventing abuse of the ideals and ethos inherent to the open source movement.

    Visit the OSI
    Outreachy logo

    Outreachy provides remote internships. Outreachy supports diversity in open source and free software!

    Visit Outreachy
    R Consortium logo

    The central mission of the R Consortium is to work with and provide support to the R Foundation and to the key organizations developing, maintaining, distributing and using R software through the identification, development and implementation of infrastructure projects.

    About the R Consortium
    The Rust Foundation logo

    The Rust Foundation is an independent non-profit organization to steward the Rust programming language and ecosystem, with a unique focus on supporting the set of maintainers that govern and develop the project.

    Visit the Rust Foundation
    TODO Group logo

    Does your company release open source projects? Would you like to improve how you interact with the open source community to better manage and run your projects? TODO is an open group of companies who want to collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective open source projects and programs.

    TODO: Talk openly. Develop openly.

    Community Resources

    Microsoft open source projects adopt a consistent community Code of Conduct. All Microsoft projects require contributors to sign the individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA) one time.